Murray Bridge Police Station

58-60 Swanport Rd, Murray Bridge, 5253

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Non Urgent131 444
M/B Station8535 6020
Crime Stoppers1800 333 000


Business hours
Mon 8.00am - 8.00pm
Tues 8.00am - 8.00pm
Wed 8.00am - 8.00pm
Thurs 8.00am - 8.00pm
Fri 8.00am - 8.00pm
Sat 8.00am - 8.00pm
Sun 8.00am - 8.00pm

Murray Bridge Police Station, 58 - 60 Swanport Rd. 8535 6020: Emergency 000: Non Urgent 131 444: Crime Stoppers 1800 333 000: National Security Hotline 1800 123 400 or SMS 0429 771 822:

Calling the right number is very important to enable the best and quickest response to your situation. Police ask residents to please check the numbers below and make sure you and your family make the right call:


Call 000 when you need immediate, urgent police attendance.

This is any situation where life or injury is threatened . This can include something happening to a person or property, eg:  if you see someone being assaulted or a fire burning.

131 444   NON-URGENT POLICE ASSISTANCE and crime reporting.

Call 131444 (the Police Assistance Line) when you want to report a crime to police that has occurred, when there is no immediate danger to life or property.

When you ring 131444, please be prepared to provide police with as much information as possible about the incident you are reporting. However, please remember your safety is the priority and you should not put yourself at risk to record information.

Information you should try and provide to police when making a report includes, what has happened, when it occurred and the location. The location can include the number and property name, road and suburb or identifying landmarks.

If you are reporting a person behaving suspiciously, try and also provide information about their age, gender, build, height, hair colour and clothing.

If you are reporting a suspicious vehicle, try and provide the registration number as well as details about the make, model, colour and any distinguishing features such as dents or stickers.

1800 333 000   CRIME STOPPERS

You can call Crime Stoppers on the free 1800 333 000 number if you have any information about illegal activities. You can also go online to the Crime Stoppers website to report your information at You can remain anonymous when you call or make an on-line report  to Crime Stoppers.


The nature of terrorism is changing, with callers providing information on the use of websites or social media platforms promoting violent extremist ideology, suspicious travel planning, and reports from people concerned that someone they know is becoming radicalised towards violent extremism. Even if you think it’s probably nothing, the smallest piece of information can be valuable. If something doesn’t add up, speak up by calling the National Security Hotline on 1800 123 400.

You can also contact the National Security Hotline by email: or  SMS: 0429 771 822

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