Reconnect Anglican Community Care

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1800 880 801

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Reconnect is a community based early intervention program for young people aged 12 to 18 years who are homeless or at risk of homelessness and their families. 

It aims to help young people achieve family reconciliation and improve their level of engagement with work, education, training and the community.

Reconnect provides counselling, mediation, group work and practical support in culturally and contextually appropriate services. Reconnect's objectives are achieved by working with homeless young people and those at risk of homelessness to achieve:

family reconciliation, wherever practicable, between homelss young people, or those at risk of homelessness and their family;

  • engagement with employment, education, training and the community;
  • innovative service delivery approaches through the application of Good Practice Principles and Action Research;
  • improvement of coordination of services delivered by government and the community sector'
  • targeting of communities to build on their existing capacity to develop appropriate responses to their own needs; and
  • participation of culturally and linguistically diverse and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities.
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