No advert here.


Why won’t you accept listings from outside your listed area

The whole idea of the site was to keep it as easy as possible to find businesses, services, groups, clubs etc in Murray Bridge and within the surrounding 25km radius.

If there was no cut-off point, we would just be competing with Google  …  and there’s not much sense in that.

Will you accept home based businesses

If the business is a registered business or has an ABN or ACN, then yes. Home based tradies, maintenance, service, and traditional work-from-home businesses certainly qualify.

Part time, party plan or mlm sales type businesses are already catered for with numerous facebook pages, groups and such.

Do you accept advertising from outside your listed area

While the concept for the site is to support Murray Bridge and get behind our businesses, It would also be nice to bring in extra revenue from outside the area  ... so we are certainly open to advertising from the wider area.

There may also be the occasional opening for major sponsorship of the site with the header or footer banners  …  so if that interests you please contact  or phone Roger on 0400 226 839 during office hours

Why do we need to wait for approval for our listing, listing changes or advert to be put on-line

Unfortunately because of the nature of the internet, if we are not vigilant there is a fair chance someone will attempt to hijack the site and either fill it full of spam  …  or all sorts of inappropriate stuff. This is a family friendly site  …  so it’s better to be safe than sorry.

Who do we contact to have a ‘Coming Event’ listed online

Just send an email to with your contact details and all the info you want listed with the announcement

I want to list my business or purchase a ‘Category’ advert but I can’t find an appropriate category to suit my particular listing

Just send us an email at and if possible, we’ll add an extra category to suit

Are we able to purchase the main banner at the top or at the bottom of the website for our advertising

Yes, these are certainly available to advertise on. They are available for a month at a time  … and will remain the same on every page of the website for that month  …  valuable 'virtual' real estate

Please email  …  or phone Roger on 0400 226 839 during office hours to discuss this option

How do I make changes or add more detail to my business listing

Register or Log-In and under the ‘My Account’ menu  …  click on ‘New Listing’

Fill in the form with as much detail as you require and click ‘Submit’

Listings or changes have to be approved by admin, so there may be a delay of several hours or overnight before it appears on-line. We apologise for this delay, but the approval process is required to prevent any malicious or inappropriate activity

What sizes and file formats are required for a ‘Specials’ advert
...  remember, there are two images required when buying a 'Specials' ad  ...

  • A larger, roughly A4 size ‘Specials’ advert  …  jpg  ...  with all the details of your monthly special
  • and a smaller, horizontal ‘Specials’ banner  … 640 pixels wide by 90 pixels high at 300dpi  …  jpg, png  ...  
    (which appears on the 'Specials' page and randomly at the bottom of most other pages of the site)

What size and file format is required for ‘Category’ or 'RHS' adverts

Roughly the proportions of a business card  …  303 pixels wide by 160 pixels high at 300dpi  ...  jpg or png file formats

What size and file format is required for a ‘Header’ or 'Sponsor' advert

720 pixels wide by 135 pixels high at 300dpi  ...  jpg or png file formats

What size and file format is required for a ‘Footer’ advert

970 pixels wide by 140 pixels high at 300dpi  ...  jpg or png file formats

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